cards:3907 NZSL

Translation equivalents


Major: cards, play cards

Secondary: deal, dealer, deck of cards, pack of cards, playing cards


Major: kāri, purei kāri


No notes.


  1. remember[4189] bring[730] cards[3907] there[2583] camp[402]
    Remember to bring a deck of cards to camp.
  2. we[2540] group[1490] play[1926] play-cards[3907] fun[3643] drink[4264] talk[1300] time-consuming[2430]
    A group of us were playing cards. We were having fun, drink and chatting for ages.

cards.3907.main_glosses.mb.r480x360.mp4 - main

cards-3907-high_resolution.png - main

cards-3907-high_resolution.png - main

cards.3907.finalexample2.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample2

cards.3907.finalexample1.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample1

Relations to glosses

Relations from this gloss
  • No relations.
Relations to this gloss
  • No reverse relations.