match:3955 NZSL

Translation equivalents


Major: strike a match, match

Secondary: light a fire, put a match to, set alight, set something on fire


Major: tākirihia he māti, māti


No notes.


  1. paper[3301] ^cl:pile-of-paper ignite[3955] fire[1922]
    I struck a match to set fire to the pile of paper.
  2. camping[3459] must[5129] have[1376] match[3955] fire[1923] cook[771] food[4022]
    If you go camping you must have some matches so that you can light a fire to cook your food on.

match.3955.main_glosses.mb.r480x360.mp4 - main

strike_a_match-3955-high_resolution.png - main

strike_a_match-3955-high_resolution.png - main

match.3955.finalexample2.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample2

match.3955.finalexample1.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample1

Relations to glosses

Relations from this gloss
  • No relations.
Relations to this gloss
  • No reverse relations.