Translation equivalents


Major: codeswitch


Major: reo rere rua


Describes a change in one's language style to match a particular person or situation. Usually applied to sign language users.


  1. me[2556] meet[2461] hearing[2117] little[4527] sign[5488] me[2556] codeswitch[5276] slow-down[1457] sign[5488]
    When I meet a hearing person who only signs a little bit, I code-switch and slow down my signing.

codeswitch.5276.main_glosses.sp.r480x360.mp4 - main

codeswitch-5276-high_resolution.png - main

codeswitch-5276-high_resolution.png - main

codeswitch.5276.finalexample1.sp.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample1

Relations to glosses

Relations from this gloss
  • No relations.
Relations to this gloss
  • No reverse relations.