value:5334 NZSL

Translation equivalents


Major: value, valuable

Secondary: precious, sacred, treasure, worth, worthwhile, worthy


Major: hira, tino taonga, nui te uara


No notes.


  1. me[2556] value[5334] interpreter[3063] person[4446] easy[2215] communicate[4261] understand[3230]
    I value interpreters as they make it easy to communicate and understand.
  2. me[2556] old[2841] house[5995] expensive[1558] it[2297] high[975] value[5334] it[2297]
    My old house was very expensive and highly valuable.

value.5334.main_glosses.mb.r480x360.mp4 - main

value-5334-high_resolution.png - main

value-5334-high_resolution.png - main

value.5334.finalexample1.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample1

value.5334.finalexample2.mb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample2

Relations to glosses

Relations from this gloss
  • No relations.
Relations to this gloss
  • No reverse relations.