Translation equivalents


Major: marlin

Secondary: Northern Marlins (rugby team)


Major: taketonga


No notes.


  1. fishing[6559] boat[859] group[1490] one[5607] get[1766] big[1545] marlin[8128]
    One of the group on the fishing boat caught a big marlin.
  2. every[1165] Sunday[536] north[4676] marlin[8128] deaf[4656] rugby[893] team[1490] have[1376] practice[3700]
    The Northern Marlins Deaf rugby team have a practice every Sunday.

marlin.8128.main_glosses.jb.r480x360.mp4 - main

marlin-8128-high_resolution.png - main

marlin-8128-high_resolution.png - main

marlin.8128.finalexample1.jb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample1

marlin.8128.finalexample2.jb.r480x360.mp4 - finalexample2

Relations to glosses

Relations from this gloss
  • No relations.
Relations to this gloss
  • No reverse relations.